
Saturday May 28, 2022
Saturday May 28, 2022
Project Island Song is a charitable organisation restoring the natural eco system and reintroducing wildlife to the Eastern Bay of Islands known as Ipipiri. I talked to Richard Robbins about the nature of the work involved and what it takes to realise their long-term vision of a safe, self-sustaining environment filled with tweets, twitters, trills and whistles of native birdlife.
If you want to discover more about my work visit my website on https://philippaross.com/ or email me on: info@philippaross.com
Join and comment in the Waste Not Want Not facebook page
Project Island Song website:
Ring of Bright Water – Gavin Maxwell
Petition to permanently ban exploration in Antarctica
Petition to stop mining on conservation land in the Coromandel
Link to register to watch Mission: Joy to finding happiness in troubled times film for free
Theme music ‘Joyful’ by TimTaj from Pixabay

Sunday May 22, 2022
Empowering Communities to be Guardians for Mother Earth - Tania McInnes #23
Sunday May 22, 2022
Sunday May 22, 2022
Tania McInnes talks about the grassroots initiative she’s leading called ‘Arohatia Te Taiao,’ which gives Northland communities the opportunity to share their aspirations, ideas and challenges about their beloved backyard. The collective wisdom will then be collated and form the foundation of a report that’ll be presented to Te Tai Tokerau leaders to use for future strategy and planning in the regions.
If you want to discover more about my work visit my website on https://philippaross.com/ or email me on: info@philippaross.com
Join and comment in the Waste Not Want Not facebook page
Arohatia Te Taiao Website
Arohatia Te Taiao Facebook
Survey results
Conversations with God – Neale Donald Walsh
Compilation edition of all three books – can be book separately
‘The Erie Situation’ film
Waterbear – amazing documentaries including ‘Human’
Ban of toxic synthetic fertilisers Petition
Theme music ‘Joyful’ by TimTaj from Pixabay

Saturday May 14, 2022
The Benefits of Connecting to Nature - Gary Cook #22
Saturday May 14, 2022
Saturday May 14, 2022
Gary Cook provides a fascinating insight into the world of plants and how they enrich our spiritual, emotional, mental and physical wellbeing. He extends Aristotle’s counsel to look deep into nature to find the answers – advising us to ‘listen deeply to nature in order to hear the symphony of sounds that sustain harmony and health for people and the planet. Hear how his curiosity to explore the hidden realms enabled him to discover the intangible secrets of the plant world that revealed the wisdom of the natural world and ways to build a rapport with nature.
If you want to discover more about my work visit my website on https://philippaross.com/ or email me on: info@philippaross.com
Join and comment in the Waste Not Want Not facebook page
Gary’s Website
Gary’s Facebook page:
The Secret Life of Plants book - Peter Tompkins
Documentary: The Secret Life of Plants
The Song of the Waitaha book
Plant recording devices
On Children – Kahlil Gibran
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.
Adopt a Penguin
Petition to stop sand mining in NZ
Petition to stop current and planned oil and gas exploration in Guyana
Theme music ‘Joyful’ by TimTaj from Pixabay

Friday May 06, 2022
The Elixir of Life – Sarah Dwyer #21
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
Sarah Dwyer knows all about creating an environment that feeds the soul, heart, mind and body – and just how important it is to satiate the curious mind, enjoy the process of taking one day at a time and having fun with whatever brings you joy – a beautiful blend that help create a magical elixir to activate ways to restore and make the most of life.
If you want to discover more about my work visit my website on https://philippaross.com/ or email me on: info@philippaross.com
Join and comment in the Waste Not Want Not facebook page
Sarah Dwyers website:
Sarah McCartney – Patreon page for scent enthusiasts
The Tao of Pooh and the Te of Piglet
Extract about enjoying the process from ‘The Tao of Pooh and the Ti of Piglet’
“What do you like doing best in the world, Pooh?”
“Well, said Pooh, what I like best …” – and then he had to stop and think because although eating honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn’t know what it was called.
The honey doesn’t taste so good once it is being eaten: the goal doesn’t mean so much once it’s reached, the reward is not so rewarding once it has been given. If we add up all the rewards in our lives we won’t have very much. But – if we add up the spaces between the rewards, we’ll come up with quite a bit. And if we add up the rewards and the spaces, then we’ll have everything – every minute of the time that we spent. What if we could enjoy it?
It doesn’t mean that the goals we have don’t count. They do, mostly because they cause us to go through the process and it’s the process that makes us wise, happy or whatever. If we do things in the wrong sort of way, it makes us miserable, angry, confused and things like that. The goal has to be right for us and it has to be beneficial in order to ensure a beneficial process. But aside from that, it’s really the process that’s important. Enjoyment of the process is the secret that erases the myths of the Great Reward and saving time.
What could we call that moment before we begin to eat the honey: Some would call it anticipation, but we think it’s more than that. We would call it awareness. It’s when we become happy and realise it - if only for an instant. By enjoying the process, we can stretch that awareness out so that it’s no longer only a moment, but covers the whole thing.
Salmon farming petition
NZ Sea Rise programme
The Connectivity Project
A documentary series examining the ripple effects of our actions in an interconnected world.
Watch film:
Theme music ‘Joyful’ by TimTaj from Pixabay

Friday Apr 29, 2022
The Miraculous Benefits of Living a Life Full of Joy – Pat Armistead #20
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Pat Armistead chose joy over drugs to give her the strength to ride the tidal wave of grief she experienced - proving the focus of our choices helps us break through what we think is impossible to a world of miraculous possibilities that transform the relationship we have with ourselves - bonding our connection to life itself.
Pat Armistead’s Joyology website:
Madan Kataria – Founder of Laughter Yoga
Patch Adams
Books Pat recommends:
Daniel Goleman – Emotional Intelligence
Martin Seligman – The Pursuit of Happiness
Candice Pert – Molecules of Emotion
Petition to support Maasai tribe
Sarah Millican
Sign up to newsletter to get info on tour dates
Canadian tour – October 2022
Australia and NZ Tour – Jan and Feb 2023
Spike Milligan ‘Smile’ poem:
Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu,
When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin.
When he smiled I realised I'd passed it on to him.
I thought about that smile, then I realised its worth.
A single smile, just like mine could travel round the earth.
So, if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected.
Let's start an epidemic quick, and get the world infected!
If you want to discover more about my work visit my website on https://philippaross.com/ or email me on: info@philippaross.com
Join and comment in the Waste Not Want Not facebook page
Theme music ‘Joyful’ by TimTaj from Pixabay

Friday Apr 22, 2022
Dreaming the Future Into Reality – David Martin #19
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Tune into the wisdom of the eminent visionary oracle David Martin to discover how we can make the impossible possible - and release the untapped potential of the current state of things in order to live fully, and feel emancipated to make our future dreams a reality for generations to come.
David Martin’s website:
Future Dreaming film
David Martin - Activate Recycling:
David’s favourite books:
Xynophone Cyropaedia –
Gregory Bateson Steps to an Ecology of Mind
Lizards Eat Butterflys - David Martin
David’s favourite quotes:
“I know that I am not a category. I am not a thing - a noun. I seem to be a verb, an evolutionary process - an integral function of the universe.” Buckminster Fuller
“He who receives ideas from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine receives light without darkening me.” Thomas Jefferson
Kakapo Woollen Kayak
Shear Edge Engineering - Creator
Torpedo7 - Retailer
All Plantbased
If you want to discover more about my work visit my website on https://philippaross.com/ or email me on: info@philippaross.com
Theme music ‘Joyful’ by TimTaj from Pixabay

Friday Apr 15, 2022
How to Use Your Voice to Express Your True Self - Tessa Livingston #18
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
With World Voice Day being on the 16th April focusing on the theme of "Lifting Your Voice', I asked Tessa Livingston who is a voice care specialist about ways we can breathe new life into our voices to boost our confidence, enhance our communication skills and connect to the inner self, so we can find the courage to speak up and express the true essence of who we are.
Tessa Livingston’s ‘Voice Cares’ website:
Kirstie O’Sullivan – The Voice Practice
Patsy Rodenburg books:
‘The Right to Speak’
‘The Second Circle’
Stewart Pearce - Alchemy of the Voice book
‘The Lost Symbol’ – Dan Brown
Mike Dooley – The Universe Talks (TUT)
Earthpac 100% biodegradable food packaging solution
Fashion Revolution
Textile Product Stewardship Project NZ
NZ Sustainable Business Directory Online launch recording
Peace poster
Regeneration not incineration
Right to Repair petition closes 25th April nz waste strategy repair café
If you want to discover more about my work visit my website on https://philippaross.com/ or email me on: info@philippaross.com
Theme music ‘Joyful’ by TimTaj from Pixabay

Friday Apr 08, 2022
A Social Solution to Food Waste – Gareth Hughes #17
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Aotearoa Food Rescue Alliance (AFRA) have flipped a national environmental food waste problem into a social solution that nourishes millions countrywide.
In this episode I talk to ex Green Party MP Gareth Hughes about his life before, during and after politics and the phenomenal network of caring Kiwis who’ve contributed to the remarkable impact AFRA have made during its first year by redirecting over 7.5 million kilogrammes of food to create 29 million meals.
Resources referred to in the episode
‘A Gentle Radical’ by Gareth Hughes – to be released end of May 2022
Published by Allen and Unwin, NZ
Book Depository
Auckland City Mission
Kaibosh Food Rescue, Wellington
Kiwi Harvest
Fair Food
Kaivolution – Go Eco
Love Food, Hate Waste
Gleaning Network NZ – ‘Perfectly Imperfect’
Food Print app
The Power Broker - Robert A Caro
“We went to the moon to learn about the moon, when we came home, we actually learnt about ourselves.”
Photo of Earth - William Anders
News, events and stories referenced in show:
Trash movie
Spirit festival ticket link - www.nzspiritfestival.com/tickets
Marianne Williamson
Project Angel food
Website: https://www.angelfood.org/
Menu planning with Menu Aid
Episode with Elise Hilliam from Menu Aid – 'What’s for Dinner Dilemma'
Menu Aid website: ps://www.menuaid.co.nz/
Bower app
saveBoard – recycled plastic building materials
Website: https://www.saveboard.nz/
Clip from feature on Seven Sharp - https://fb.watch/cdHDwpDKmX/
Have your say on Transforming Recycling Proposals for New Zealand
If you want to discover more about my work visit my website on https://philippaross.com/ or email me on: info@philippaross.com
Theme music ‘Joyful’ by TimTaj from Pixabay

Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Repurposing Waste to a Better Place with Junkrun #16
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
General Manager Ruth Boyes and Construction Manager Dave Knight from Junkrun in Auckland are enthusiastic members of a team who’re devoted to disrupting the waste industry; honoring the intrinsic value of all materials by turning junk from one place into treasure for someone else in a different place.
Junkrun website:
Civil Share app
Sustainable Business Network’s list of product stewardship companies
Ruth’s favourite
The Tipping point - Malcolm Gladwell
“If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned or removed from production.” – Pete Seeger
Dave’s favourite quote
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace” Jimmy Hendrix
Pet Hair Removal product (NZ)
Toitu – Six item challenge company
Tips on measuring, managing and reducing your own environmental impact - https://www.toitu.co.nz/tools-and-resources/for-individuals
Right to Repair petition
If you want to discover more about my work visit my website on https://philippaross.com/
Feel free to contact me with ideas for future shows, guests you’d like me to interview or any feedback you wish to share. My email is: info@philippaross.com
Theme music ‘Joyful’ by TimTaj from Pixabay

Friday Mar 25, 2022
Inspiraton to Release your Creativity - Joanna Penn #15
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Joanna Penn is a fiction and non-fiction writer and fellow podcaster with a passion to help people develop their own creativity and share it with the world. After reaching a tipping point in her life when her job became a daily grind, her desire to create a life full of opportunities to write and travel propelled her into implementing the small changes she needed to make her dream a reality. Joanna shares some of the invaluable lessons she's learnt over the past 15 years to help you release your own creativity.
Joanna Penn – The Creative Penn
J K Penn - Thriller author
How to make a living with your writing - Joanna Penn
The Art of Turning Pro – Steven Pressfield
Quote: ‘This too shall pass’
Alliance Independent Authors
News item links:
Petition to stop deep sea trawling in NZ
Petition to save the Brydes whales
Microbial jungle discovered below the Ross Ice shelf

Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Raph, aka Reydiant Reality is a natural, no nonsense intuitive, tarot reader, astrologer and numerologist. He’s a self-professed ‘Cosmic Navigator’ who’ll help you understand the symbolic meaning of the patterns and cycles of life so you can find your way to the heart of what matters most to you. His grounded approach, infectious laugh and in-depth knowledge and experience of all things weird and wonderful are just some of the invaluable gifts he has to help you change your tomorrow, today.
Raphael Rey’s website:
Raph’s You Tube channel
Magical mumma, Lore de Angeles
Advanced Tarot The Voyage of Prophecy
London School of Astrology:
Adam Elenbaas - https://nightlightastrology.com/
Astrology with Heather - https://www.astrologywithheather.com/
Celestine Prophecy – James Redfield
The Way of the Peaceful Warrior – Dan Millman
The New Earth – Eckhart Tolle - https://www.bookdepository.com/New-Earth-Eckhart-Tolle/9780141039411?ref=grid-view&qid=1647004439596&sr=1-1
Proposal and consultation details for transforming recycling in NZ
Snag Army
Archie Williams audition on AGT
Sarah Ferguson – One Ocean swim - follow her adventure on https://www.facebook.com/BreatheOcean1/
Breathe Conservation

Thursday Mar 10, 2022
The ’No Hassle’ Way to Reduce Waste - Neta Talmor #13
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
A ‘No Hassle’ approach to life, together with an indomitable will to serve her community and create a level playing field with opportunities for a win, win, win scenario are just some of the magic ingredients Neta Talmor has integrated into her ready-made ‘No Hassle’ website business.
Neta is a ray of sunshine - her fortitude, faith and fresh fun persona combined with a philosophy that nothing in life should be wasted (unless it’s toilet paper!) shines through her work and has an empowering effect on everyone who crosses her path.
Neta Talmor’s ‘No Hassle’ website
Neta's favourite quote:
‘With great power comes great responsibility’
National Novel Writing Month – annual writing challenge annually 1st November
Petition for high seas treaty
Petition against sand mining in Mangawhai and Pakiri
If you want to discover more about my work visit my website on https://philippaross.com/
Theme music ‘Joyful’ by TimTaj from Pixabay

Thursday Mar 03, 2022
The Magic of Mandalas for Healing - Carrie Brightwell #12
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Carrie joins me from Thailand to share the magic of mandalas to lift our energy to the frequency of freedom, love and peace to help build the relationship to ourselves, the environment and our communities.
Carrie’s website:
Freedom, Love, Peace mandala:
Reiki infused colouring mandala
Conversations with God – Neale Donald-Walsh
Book 1 of 4
‘Be now what it is that you wish to become, and be now, what it is that you already are.’
If you want to discover more about my work visit my website on https://philippaross.com/
Theme music ‘Joyful’ by TimTaj from Pixabay

Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Feel free to be the truest version of yourself - Franko Heke #11
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Musician and founder of the NZ Spirit Festival, Franko Heke shares how he's transitioned from feeling like a misfit, grappling with suicidal thoughts and carrying the burden of societal labels into becoming a man who feels liberated because he's learned to love and respect himself. His story will undoubtedly help you find the strength and courage to let go of the idea of who you think you should be so you can be proud of who you really are and take a stand for what you believe in – which ultimately needs to be yourself.
Franko's contact details:
Spotify channel:
Favourite book:
The Art of Happiness – Dalai Lama
It’s Our Time – Franko Heke
What you do with your body is your business
Global Plastics Treaty
If you want to discover more about my work visit my website on https://philippaross.com/
Theme music ‘Joyful’ by TimTaj from Pixabay

Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Up Your Brave and Amplify Your Talents - Natalie Cutler-Welsh #10
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Natalie Cutler Welsh aka ‘The Go to Girl’ is super charged with the skills and personality to bring out the best in people and show them how to up their brave and amplify their own talents.
Website: Natalie Cutler Welsh
Website: Up Your Brave
Facebook – Go To Girl: https://www.facebook.com/GoToGirlNatalieCW/
Facebook - Amplify Your Impact, Business & Wellness
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gotogirlnz/?hl=en
Natalie’s authored books:
If Only They’d Told Me
Book recommendation:
The Big Five for Life – John Strelecky
Plastic Global Treaty petition:
If you want to discover more about my work visit my website on https://philippaross.com/
Theme music ‘Joyful’ by TimTaj from Pixabay

Friday Feb 11, 2022
Conscious home building for a happy lifestyle - Everett Norris #9
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Everett Norris has a phenomenal philosophy for creating happy healthy homes. He's a builder who specialises in tiny homes and strawbale houses; offering hands-on workshops for people to learn the skills and knowledge to design, project manage and construct a dwelling that nurtures and nourishes the soul
Ever Homes:
Tiny House Workshop, Christchurch – 15th – 19th April
Songs from ‘Hamilton’ the musical
The Status Game: On Social Position and How We Use It by Will Storr
The Productivity Project - Chris Bailey
Atomic Habits – James Clear
How to be Miserable - Randy J Paterson
'Everyone is my better in one way or another'
Actual quote is
“In my walks, every man I meet is my superior in some way, and in that, I learn from him.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Laundry egg:
If you want to discover more about my work visit my website on https://philippaross.com/
Theme music ‘Joyful’ by TimTaj from Pixabay

Friday Jan 28, 2022
Humanship - How Horses Empower Humans.- Ian Benson #8
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Check out my blog ‘A Quest to Connect’ where you’ll see a photo of how horses mirror human behaviour
Influential people:
Merv Kildy – Australian horseman
How to Heal Your Life – Louise Hay
Tom Brown’s Science and Art of Tracking – Nature’s Path to Spiritual Discovery – Tom Brown Jr
“It’ll all work out in the end and if it doesn’t, we haven’t reached the end”
The actual quote Ian was referring to was
“In India, we have a saying; everything will be all right in the end. So, if it’s not all right, it is not yet the end,” said by the character Sonny Kapoor in The Best Marigold Hotel movie
Theme music ‘Joyful’ by TimTaj from Pixabay
If you know of someone who would be a great guest, then be sure to contact me on info@philippaross.com
And finally, if you want to discover more about my work visit my website on https://philippaross.com/

Friday Jan 14, 2022
‘What’s for Dinner Dilemma’ -Elise Hilliam #7
Friday Jan 14, 2022
Friday Jan 14, 2022
Elise Hilliam from Menu Aid delivers the solution to the ‘what’s for dinner’ dilemma; helping you create nutritional meals that free up your time, reduce food waste and cut down the cost of your weekly shop.
Website: https://www.menuaid.co.nz/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MenuAid
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/menu_aid/
Whatever decision you make, you can change
Elise’s partner Toby’s business called Mutu - https://mutu.co.nz/#home/0
Backing music for podcast 'Joyful' by TimTaj from Pixabay
If you know of someone who would be a great guest, then be sure to contact me on info@philippaross.com
And finally, if you want to discover more about my work visit my website on https://philippaross.com/

Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Creating Your Own Great Reset - Philippa Ross #6
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Philippa shares ways to build a solid foundation to sustain your mojo and accomplish the changes YOU want as opposed to ones imposed by society. Philippa provides nuggets of wisdom to help you stay on track so your soul, heart, mind and body are aligned in order to live life on your terms being true to yourself.
Connect to the source of what inspires you (the soul)
Pause to develop awareness and understanding of what your feelings are telling you (the heart)
Engage and direct your conscious mind to attend to matters that fulfil you (the mind)
Respond with actions that synchronise your soul, heart, mind and body to work as a team (the physical)
Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert
Tao of Pooh and Te of Piglet by Benjamin Hoff
Make me smile (Come up and see me) – Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel
Inspirational quotes
‘Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom’ – Aristotle
‘To be yourself in a world trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment’ – Ralph Waldo Emerson
‘Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better’ – Albert Einstein
Backing music for podcast - Joyful – by TimTaj from Pixabay
If you know of someone who would be a great guest, then be sure to contact me on info@philippaross.com
And finally, if you want to discover more about my work visit my website on https://philippaross.com/

Thursday Dec 30, 2021
The Secret Intelligence of Water - Veda Austin #5
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Veda’s revolutionary work combines art and science to reveal the secret intelligence of water.
She discovered the healing powers of water and in the process reconnected to her own divinity - expanding her artists skills into becoming a Water Researcher and Crystallographer. She’s a vibrant soul who describes water as a conscious life force that has the wisdom and intelligence to help us connect to ourselves and the world around us.
Veda’s website: www.vedaaustin.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/waterresearcher
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vedaaustin_water/
During our conversation, Veda made reference to a number of people, so I’ve noted their names and links to websites.
Gerard Pollack - https://www.pollacklab.org/
Dr Masaru Emoto: https://thewellnessenterprise.com/emoto/
Laurent Costa - http://waterphoto.eu/ - You Tube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrLRBZug2ex-Ua3Fc58La4g
‘Journey into the Heart of Water’ - http://waterphoto.eu/en/livre/
Thomas Galen Hieronymus – radiation analiser - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hieronymus_machine
Viktor Schauberger
Two books that influenced Veda were
Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda
You can download a pdf version here:
Or order the book here:
The Odyssey
Let it be Me – Nina Simone
"Even at your best, you’ll never be enough for the wrong person.
Even at your worst, you’ll always be enough for the right person"
"If you think you can or you think you can’t – you’re right"
The one thing Veda would like to create in the world is for people to see the divinity within themselves because we get so caught up in what’s wrong with us, we forget about what’s right with us
The packaging company I mentioned is ‘Salt of the Earth’ - https://saltoftheearthpackaging.com/
Joyful – Music by TimTaj from Pixabay
If you know of someone who would be a great guest, then be sure to contact me on info@philippaross.com
And finally, if you want to discover more about my work visit my website on https://philippaross.com/